Thursday, December 25, 2014

Fianl stages on Book Two

MErry Christmas, everyone... I hope 2014 was what you expected and was a great year for you.
What type of events get you feeling great? Christmas, Birthdays, what???

For me there are a few...

Seeing my wife when she comes home at the end of the day....
Hearing the National Anthem...
Hearing Amazing Grace....
When I am writing a story and my character takes a turn that I was not expecting...
Finishing a project....

And a few more...  There is nothing like making a plan, trying to stick to the plan, and actually finishing a project. Not to mention finishing the project on time, or better yet... EARLY!

Someone once told me to NOT set goals. Instead, make a plan. I have taken his advice, and .... well... I think it works. When something happens to take me "off-plan", it is not as discouraging as it would be if I missed a goal point. I do still keep a schedule in my Calendar of when I should have things done... just in case.

Having a goal, or at the very least some sort of plan, to me is crucial. I keep my deadlines in front of me somehow so I can be reminded of what is coming up so I can get back on track should I become distracted... A squirrel is just outside eating a Pecan.

How do you pronounce Pecan? is it Pee can, pr Pah, khan?

See how easily I get distracted. Now, we are all hungry for some pie, aren't we? Back to the subject at hand.

I really enjoy the feeling of finishing a project, the rush of that final period at the end of the final sentence, of the final chapter.... I am happy to say, my 2nd book is done and at my editor's office in New York.

The title is is still a working title so I can't announce it yet, but the book is scheduled to be released in May of 2015. At the end of my previous book, I had an excerpt, of the 2nd one, and announced the title to be "Plan Right and Pack Light".  This has changed. I will let it go once we finally have a title nailed down to the book cover.

It feels so good to be this close to another finished project. I had to be focused on my writing, my time management, my attitude, and be willing to overcome any roadblock I hit to make sure I finished the book on time, early even.

What do you do to keep you on track with your writing project?

Comment and let me know.


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