Friday, October 7, 2011

Mass found in my colon

For those that don't know, I had a Colonoscopy on Wednesday the 28th. At the time of the Colonoscopy the doctor told me that he found a large mass and that it was in fact cancer. I know that doctors don't just throw that word around willie-nillie so I believe that in his mind -with all of his training and experience he believed it was cancer.

Needless to say, our world turned upside down. We started praying and when Friday rolled around, the pathology report stated that it was not as full blown cancer as the doctor initially thought. It is still a mass that needs to be removed, but the Pathology report called it a "Tubular Adenoma". Here is a link to what a Tubular Adenoma is: Tubular Adenoma

We thank God for answering your prayers and we thank you for those prayers that God answered.
I believe that your prayers made a difference.

We had a meeting with the surgeon yesterday (October the 6th) and are waiting on his office to call and set a date for the surgery. I will need to have about 1/3 of my colon removed. If you want details on this procedure,Here is a link: Right Hemicolecyomy and you can see what will happen.

Here is a picture of what will be removed:

Although I received great news the other day, I am still in need of prayers. We still have a long road ahead of us and the waiting is the hardest part. once I have a date I will update it here so keep looking here for updates. Thank you again for all your prayers and may God bless you as he has blessed me.

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