Sunday, July 27, 2008

Back to Reality!!

We returned from our vacation Tuesday evening.
St. Lucia was awesome. I will have some pictures up soon.

For now, I need to upload the pics so I will check back in when I am done.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Great News!

I received a call from the doctor today, that spot they removed from my head, is BENIGN.
As son as I heard the word benign, I tuned everything else out so don't ask me what it was.

It's gonna be a great weekend!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


-I have followed NCIS since Kate was on the show. I can't believe they killed of the Director.
It will be nice to see what happens with the new director.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Some Changes...

-I have updated the site. You may notice some changes over time. I hope you enjoy it.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Pathology Results

The results are back from the pathologist.
The spot on my head was benign, thank goodness.

It’s been a while sine I was here, I've been taking care of the hole in my head, don’t go there, so I have been taking it easy.

I love Summer Time. The traffic is about 50% less now that school is out. It only takes me around twenty-five minutes to travel the seventeen mile to work instead of the forty-five to fifty minutes during the regular school year.

It's Hump day so it's time to start cutting the burner to about half way and coast through the rest of the week. I just hope work settles down as well.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Hole In My Head

-Well, it's true, I do need another hole in my head.
The doctor found a spot on my head and he wants to remove it and it shall be done on Monday.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


-Since my shoulder surgery, I have not been the same. Just a little bit of yard work is taking a toll on my back. I will be happy when I am back in shape.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Dust Has Settled

It's been a while since I logged in and/or written anything over the past few weeks. I want to address those of you who were aware of my father's health issues.

Thank you very much for your thoughts and prayers!

Dad made it through the triple bypass surgery and is recovering quite well. The surgeons stated "He is breaking all kinds of records" for post-surgery conditions and his recovery.

Thank you again!!

On a lighter note, I have entered one of my short stories in a contest at Writers Digest. Wish me luck.

To be in accordance with Writers Digest policies surrounding the contest, I am not permitted to publish the story so, I will post the story on my site once the contest is over.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Snow Day __Rained Out

Well, it rained all....night....long.
The snow was turned to much and the streets were clear. Wet, but clear.

Oh well, Maybe next time.

Off to work.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Snow Day In Atlanta

We Got SNOW!

It started snowing today, about 5:00 this afternoon.
It was nice and cloudy and cold and it started to stick.

I can't wait to see what is like in the morning.